If you own an Android device, you may have struggled with the hassle of entering your login credentials every time you visit a website or use an app. Fortunately, Google has developed an innovative solution to this problem: Google Smart Lock for Autofill. This blog post will explore how you can use Google Smart Lock for Autofill on your Android device.

What is Google Smart Lock for Autofill?

Google Smart Lock for Autofill is a password manager that allows you to securely store your login credentials for websites and apps on your Android device. Once you have saved your login credentials in Google Smart Lock, you can use them to automatically fill in your login information the next time you visit the website or use the app.

Google Smart Lock uses advanced encryption techniques to protect your login information, ensuring that it remains safe and secure. Additionally, Google Smart Lock can synchronize your login information across multiple devices, so you can access your saved login credentials from your phone, tablet, or computer.

How to Use Google Smart Lock for Autofill:

To start using Google Smart Lock for Autofill, follow these steps:

Step 1: Enable Smart Lock

To use Google Smart Lock, you must first enable it on your Android device. To do this, go to Settings > Google > Smart Lock and turn on the toggle switch.

Step 2: Save Login Credentials

Once you have enabled Smart Lock, you can start saving your login credentials. Smart Lock will prompt you to keep the credentials when you enter your login information for a website or app. Simply tap “Save” to add them to your Smart Lock account.

Step 3: Autofill Login Credentials

Smart Lock will automatically fill in your login credentials the next time you visit the website or app. Smart Lock will prompt you to choose which one to use if you have multiple saved credentials for the same website.

Step 4: Manage Your Saved Credentials

You can manage your saved login credentials by going to Settings > Google > Smart Lock > Passwords. Here you can view, edit, or delete your saved credentials.

Benefits of Using Google Smart Lock for Autofill:

There are several benefits to using Google Smart Lock for Autofill on your Android device:

  1. Saves Time: With Smart Lock, you no longer have to manually enter your login credentials every time you visit a website or use an app. This saves time and makes the login process more convenient.
  2. Enhances Security: Smart Lock uses advanced encryption techniques to protect your login information, making it more secure than storing your passwords in a text file or a piece of paper.
  3. Synchronizes Across Devices: Smart Lock can synchronize your login information across multiple devices, so you can access your saved login credentials from your phone, tablet, or computer.
  4. Easy to Use: Smart Lock is easy to use, and once you have saved your login credentials, the autofill feature is automatic. This means that you don’t have to remember to manually fill in your login information every time you visit a website or use an app.


Google Smart Lock for Autofill is an innovative solution that makes the login process on Android devices more convenient and secure. By enabling Smart Lock, you can save your login credentials for websites and apps and automatically fill them in the next time you visit. With its advanced encryption techniques and synchronization capabilities, Smart Lock is a reliable and easy-to-use password manager that can enhance your overall Android experience.